Marape/Rosso Government has education as one of its top priorities, because
education is foundational for economic prosperity, social justice, and the
overall well-being of a society. Hence, the Government Free Education
Policy (GFEP) translates the government’s desire to share our collective
resources with every citizen and without prejudice of tribal connections,
religion, gender and geographical or political associations.
Marape/Rosso government has since 2022, expanded the budget with the inclusion
of a project fee grant component to further relieve families from the burden of
economic hardships. This special intervention will continue in 2025.
child has the right to education. Therefore, this government outlaws and bans
any head of schools and school board from refusing, restricting and removing
any child from school due to non-payment of school fees and project fees.
Please refer to the MPS No. 1/2025 for detailed information about this Policy.